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什麼是一種「記錄姿態的行為」? documentary gestures 24-Sep-2022 21#  
「商業的結構」是什麼? the architectures of commerce      
  圍群 Monument of Apron 15-Feb-2025  
  制作摸泥摸泥摸泥 How to Make Moni-Moni-Moni 12-Dec-2015 1.06mb  
  展销场第五期: 水货 Display Distribute No. 5: Parallel Trade 06-Nov-2015 --kb  
  女泉: 重要中药 NvQuan: Important Medicine 31-Dec-2013 926kb  
  我爱你家 I Love Your Home
collaboration with Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA
家作坊 HomeShop branch
Beijing, 2010

After a prolonged research and analysis period highly implicated by HomeShop's search for a new space, our newfound expertise led to the temporary return of the current space at Xiaojingchang hutong to its former status as real estate agency (pre-2007 era). Replicating the typology of Beijing's countless real estate agencies, HomeShop took up a new role as an off-shoot office of the well-known chain 我爱我家 Wo Ai Wo Jia ("I Love My Home"), henceforth named 我爱你家 Wo Ai Ni Jia ("I Love Your Home"). For a period of two months in the Spring/Summer of 2010, "我爱你家 I Love Your Home" presented information on over thirty of Beijing's hottest properties, with its multilingual agents advising passersby on the real estate market and private life in the capital—free of commission.
我爱你家草场地分店 "I Love Your Home" Caochangdi branch
Commissioned by 站台中国 Platform China for "The Third Party, Part Two: The Stranger", curated by Beatrice LEANZA
Beijing, 2010

Broadening our market and horizons, in December 2010 "我爱你家 I Love Your Home" expanded to the Caochangdi village-cum-arts district, where the pop-up real estate agency was transformed into an art display, complete with framed photographs and a video installed in a white cube space.

A video interview with Sun NING, owner of Platform China art space and manager of several properties in the area, recounts her history and views of the Caochangdi arts district, from its beginnings as a dusty village on the outskirts of the city to its current status as a trendy off-site for 798 aficionados, cheap lodging for beipiao (Beijing's young, precarious population) and home to migrant workers.

Further fieldwork contributed to a selection of Caochangdi's most recent available properties (from warehouse and gallery spaces to 12 m2 rooms without heating), along with the full information regarding particular details unique to each space, their layout, size and telephone contact for renting each space.
12-Jan-2013 1.5mb

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image 1-11/ "我爱你家" 家作坊分店 "I Love Your Home" HomeShop branch
image 12-17/ "我爱你家" 草场地分店 "I Love Your Home" Caochangdi branch
  女泉: 关于生产 Nv Quan: On Production 10-Dec-2010 156kb  
  The Cover of the Society of the Spectacle 08-Sep-2009 524kb
  你的臭艺术 Your Art Stinks 24-Oct-2009 58mb  
  小卖部 Corner Shop 15-Jun-2006 9mb  
  CHAN Store 20-Aug-2004 892kb  
  Living, Make-up, Waiting Spring 2004 454kb  
  Wear [iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter number one] 17-May-2004 299kb  
  Coat Jun-2002 376kb  
  Inflate Interface 26-Jun-2002 49kb  
什麼是一個「開放平台」? what is an open platform? 03-Sep-2017 15#  
詞語 words Summer-2019 44#
別處 elsewhere 15-Feb-2025 69#
in other words [about 關於⋯⋯] 2022 05#
contact - 01#

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