index of /何穎雅 elaine w.ho


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什麼是一種「記錄姿態的行為」? documentary gestures 24-Sep-2022 21# fine tuning
「商業的結構」是什麼? the architectures of commerce 23-Oct-2024 14# on production
什麼是一個「開放平台」? what is an open platform? 03-Sep-2017 15# moments of convergence
詞語 words Summer-2019 44# txt/pdf/html
別處 elsewhere 23-Oct-2024 69# html
in other words [about 關於⋯⋯]      
  版本 VERSION 4.0
Elaine W. HO works between the realms of time-based art, language, and urban practice, and what this really means is that there are many forms of study, and many kinds of people involved. These are questions about a latent commons, questions about the sociopolitics of syntax, and questions about voices in a social space. She has worked with audio recording since the age of five, but her first experiment with radio broadcast took place in 2016 from a boat on the Danube River. Listen at

版本 VERSION 3.0
Elaine W. HO wanted to be a writer when she was growing up and was always encouraged and told she could do so until one fateful failure at the age of 18. A piece of suspectedly 'foreign' flavoured writing cast her into the ranks of an elementary level English course, crushing her dream and changing her path from that point forward. She continues to struggle with lessons in failure on a frequent basis, though the counter to that is that she now writes from time to time, in the most free and unlearned way ever.

Elaine likes to drink coffee and tea mixed together and is a frequent contributor at

版本 VERSION 2.0 (致评选委员会 for the jury)


Elaine W. HO works between the realms of time‐based art, language, and urban practice. With a background in Art and Art History from Rice University, praxis and utility led her through to the field of fashion design (Parsons School of Design, 1999-2001; Academy of the Arts Arnhem, 2001-2004) which was subsequently unlearned and deconstructed via an MA programme in Critical Theory, Art and Social Thought (European Graduate School, 2007-2010). These extended forms of study led to HomeShop (Beijing, 2008-2013), the artist-run project space founded by Ho and collectively self-organised as a living and working experiment amidst the aporetic spaces of contemporary Chinese socialist capital. She continues to explore such questions of self-organisation through collaboration, writing, performance and time-based installation, most recently as a fellow at the Institute for Spatial Experiments (2015) and co-conspirator with Display Distribute (2015-ongoing).

Her work — with several collaborative configurations under various denominations — has been previously presented on a boat named Eleonore, docked along the Danube River (Linz, 2016), Singapore Biennale (2019), Mediacity Biennale (Seoul, 2018), the Power Station of Art (Shanghai, 2016), Guangdong Times Museum (Guangzhou, 2015), Spring Workshop (Hong Kong, 2015), Neue Nationalgalerie (Berlin, 2014), Tate Modern (London, 2014) and on various street corners, among other places.

版本 VERSION 1.2

Elaine W. HO works between the realms of time‐based art, language, urban practice and design, using multiple vocabularies to explore the micropolitics, subjectivities and alter-possibilities of an intimate, networked production.

The act of describing takes on a number of forms——a kind of grammar, a documentation, a gesture, a biography——or an experiment in Beijing known as HomeShop. She is the initiator of the artist-run space, active from 2008-2013, and continues to ask questions about the sociopolitics of syntax, more recently via print (• • PROPAGANDA DEPARTMENT), pirate broadcast (Widow Radio Ching & airTIME) and as co-conspirator with Display Distribute, a paranodal research platform investigating bottom-up organisation amidst global trade (2015-ongoing).

She likes to drink coffee and tea mixed together and is a frequent contributor at




Elaine W. Ho (HK/USA) arbeitet an der Schnittstelle von zeitbasierter Kunst, Sprache, urbaner Praxis und Design. Ihr vielschichtiges Vokabular untersucht Möglichkeiten unterschiedlicher Mikropolitiken und Subjektivitäten einer intimen, vernetzten Produktion.

Den Akt des Beschreibens überträgt sie in vielfache Formen, — als Gesten, Dokumentationen oder Biographien. Diese finden sich wieder im Experiment HomeShop, ein von Künstlern organisierter Projektraum in Peking, den sie 2008 initiierte und der bis 2013 aktiv war. Fragen an den gesellschaftspolitischen Syntax lotet Elaine W. Ho in zahlreichen Kollaborationen aus, zuletzt mit • • PROPAGANDA DEPARTMENT (seit 2017) im Medium Print, mit Widow Radio Ching und #RADIOHED als Piraten-Radiosendung (seit 2016), sowie mit der nomadische Plattform Display Distribute (seit 2015), die Zwischenräume des globalen Handels und Bottom-Up Bewegungen erkundet.

Gerne trinkt sie Kaffee und Tee vermischt und veröffentlicht regelmäßig Beiträge auf

版本 VERSION 1.0
____年出生於博伊頓海灘,現居北京、柏林和香港。她是一位時基藝術、語言、都市實踐及設計工作者,曾就讀於____(休斯頓)、____(紐約)、____(阿納姆)和____(薩斯費村)。她的創作不斷對社會政治體系的深層結構法則發出提問:2008年到2013年她發起並運營『____』項目,在北京一條老衚衕當中展開一個社區里的公開平台;2014年她成為德國柏林『____』特別研究生;2015年在為期三日將知識具體化的《____》出版活動中擔任撰稿者、編輯及協作藝術家。近期行動包括出版(____),海盜電台(____),以及同『____』研究自下而上的社會組織與「低端全球化」。展览包括:____(新加坡,2019年)、_____(首爾,2018年)、____(柏林,2017年)、____(曼谷,2017年)、 ____(上海,2016年)和 ____(吉隆坡,2015年)。

Elaine W. HO was born in Boynton Beach, currently lives and works between Beijing, Hong Kong and Berlin. She works between the realms of time‐based art, language, urban practice and design, nurtured via the mixed merits of a Bachelor of Arts in Art & Art History from ____ University (Houston), design at ____ (New York) and ____ (Arnhem), and an MA in Philosophy, Art & Social Thought from ____ School (Saas-Fee). She is the founder of artist-run project space ____ in Beijing (2008-2013) and continues to ask questions about the sociopolitics of syntax, more recently via print (____), pirate broadcast (____) and as co-conspirator with ____. Exhibitions include: ____ (Singapore, 2019), ____ (Seoul, 2018), ____ (Berlin, 2017), ____ (Bangkok, 2017), ____ (Shanghai, 2016) and ____ (Kuala Lumpur, 2015).

Elaine likes to drink coffee and tea mixed together and is a frequent contributor to a disjunctured stream of thought known as ____.

簡歷 [中文]

portfolio upon request
  獎狀、駐地與基金 grants, residencies, awards
  教學 teaching
聯繫 contact - 01# e-mail

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