index of /何穎雅 elaine w.ho


母錄 parent directory  
什麼是一種「記錄姿態的行為」? documentary gestures 24-Sep-2022 21#  
「商業的結構」是什麼? the architectures of commerce 31-Mar-2025 14#  
什麼是一個「開放平台」? what is an open platform? 03-Sep-2017 15#  
詞語 words      
31-Mar-2025 -

image /
  PARASITE, (or polygamy) Jul-2018 ed of 8
  目錄 CATALOGUE』number two
Sep-2017 ed of 500
  穿 Wear journal number three Sep-2012 ed of 800
  rePLACE Aug-2011 ed of 300
  穿 Wear journal number two
journal of 家作坊 HomeShop, editor
18.5 cm x 25 cm, board-book bound
80 pages, edition of 500

WEAR is the independently published journal of HomeShop, an artists' initiative located in one of the hutong alleyways in the centre of Beijing. Aiming to be an annual project, WEAR combines an artist book, theoretical reader and social research in printed form. The journal documents the public activities, discussions and interventions organised at HomeShop, also serving as a broader platform from which to gather contributions from artists, writers and the folks in the neighbourhood for a local dialogue and everyday reflection upon the contradictions and dynamism of a fast-changing China.

This issue and the second season of HomeShop are marked by a more cynical bent, whereby the pointedness of quotation marks, as in "cultural exchange", invite investigation into the deeper multiplicities and ambivalence hidden within this overwrought term. Continuing its documentation of daily life in the hutong, WEAR number two intertwines HomeShop's series of exercises in cultural exchange with commentary, imagery and special projects on the topic by contributors such as Carol Yinghua LU, RAQS Media Collective, Meiya LIN and Michael EDDY. A special 28-page insert has also been created especially for the journal by artist Reinaart VANHOE.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the journal, please visit:


家作坊第二系列活动以及第二期杂志《穿》都变得更加愤世嫉俗 。"文化交流"这一词组被置于引号中旨在邀请大家重新审视思索它的滥用性、双刃性以及多重诠释性。 它是对胡衕生活记录的延续,《穿》第二期"纠集"了一批参与者(卢迎华RAQS媒体小组林美雅、Michael EDDY等)来实践和评论"文化交流"并以图像的形式表达针对此话题的理解与诠释。28页的别册也是艺术家海纳(Reinaart VANHOE)为本期杂志特别制作的作品。

May-2010 ed of 500
  穿 Wear journal number one Dec-2008 ed of 1000
  iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter number two Jun-2006 ed of 100
  Wear [iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter number one] 26-May-2006 ed of 300
  seks Apr-2003 ed of 300
  "Leave Your Notebooks, But You Can't Leave the Factory"
Radio Kosaten journal #01

Fall-2017 2hr47m conversation
  "Post on the Post-Salon"
上午艺术空间 am Art Space, reprinted Jul-2018 in issue 331 of 《艺术世界 Art World

30-Jun-2017 1344words
  "Buku Jalanan's Politics of the Street: Zikri RAHMAN in conversation with Elaine W. Ho"
"Questions out of the Demonstration Area: LEE Chun Fung in conversation with Elaine W. Ho"
"Adding Letters to our TransActions: YEOH Lianheng in conversation with Elaine W. Ho"
Art in Context / Learning from the Field: Conversations with and between art and cultural practitioners
edited by Herman Bashiron MENDOLICCHIO and Susanne BOSCH

2017 12228words
  "Two Footnotes on Language and Power"
Ausreißer: Die Grazer Wandzeitung, #70

Jul-2016 966words
  "什么是'好机构'? What is a 'good institution'?"
《箭厂空间四年书》Arrow Factory: The Next Four Years

Dec-2015 2219words
If it is not the fact of the memory nor coincidence that matter per se, then what is it?
Per Se, artist edition by Nina SCHUIKI

22-Oct-2015 1249words
  "Communities, Narration and (In)dependence"
Politics and Aesthetics of Creativity: City, Culture
and Space in East Asia

edited by Pan LV, Dixon WONG Heung-Wah, Karin CHAU

Oct-2015 10213words
  "心瓣运动请继续:谈一场集体的恋爱 On the Ongoing Labours of Love: HomeShop Opens and Closes, Opens and Closes"
《艺术世界》Art World
co-written with 张小船 Boat ZHANG

Apr-2015 2588words
  "Between 缘分 Yuanfen, Real Estate, and Serendipity"
家作坊 HomeShop interviewed by Binna CHOI & Maiko TANAKA
Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
edited by Binna CHOI & Maiko TANAKA

Sep-2014 4955words
  "Who Goes, Where Are? [part 4]: Documentation as gesture in alternative art practices of contemporary China"
co-written with Edward SANDERSON

A/W-2014 2266words
  "The Losers of Chinese Contemporary Art"
San Francisco Art Quarterly

Aug-2014 1572words
  "組織|大眾 Organisation-At-Large"
《假如(在一起)Can We Live (Together)》catalogue text

03-Sep-2017 2017words
  "Hong Kong Currents"
co-written with Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA

25-Apr-2014 2149words
Cluster Dialectionary: Terminology of the Future
edited by Binna CHOI, Maria LIND, Emily PETHICK & Nataša PETREŠIN-BACHELEZ

Jul-2014 948words
"Attachments to the Appendix"
edited by Michael EDDY & Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA

22-Dec-2013 1526words
Editorial: The Library by soundpocket

18-Dec-2013 1465words
"Accomunique to Author X"
Reverse Niche: Dialogue and Rebuilding at the City's Edge
, edited by 柯念璞 Alice KO
画册 catalogue, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei TW

Sep-2013 2480words
  "Keeping it Real: Art, Activism and the 'East Asia Multitude'"
Institution for the Future
edited by Biljana CIRIC & Sally LAI
Chinese Art Centre, Manchester UK

Sep-2012 3529words
Croquis issue 4: 未知物世界 For The Unknowns

Mar-2012 4kb
"The YellowSide Daily Letters to the Editor"
co-written with HomeShop
A Museum That is Not: Reflection, Representation, Resonance
画册 catalogue, Guangdong Times Museum, Guangdong CN

Feb-2012 5633words
  "The Klashinkof and the Longbeard"
proposal for 《艺术世界》Art World magazine

08-Sep-2011 172kb
  "17 Days in Beijing: Screen of Consciousness on the Micropolitical"
co-written with Sean SMITH
Public, No. 40

Jun-2010 3863words
"Grandpa, Old Zhang, Brother Gao and Big Beard in the
small village in the city"
《城市画报》 City Pictorial, No. 22

28-Nov-2009 1.8mb
  "Unlayering the Relational: Microaesthetics and Micropolitics"
co-presented with Sean SMITH
MediaModes conference, School of Visual Arts, New York

14-Nov-2009 152mb
  "Emancipating 'Fashion': Notes on Dress and Politics"

11-Jul-2009 41kb
"HomeShop Series number one: GAMES 2008 off the Map"
《城市中国》 Urban China, Issue 33

Dec-2008 4.5mb
  "Before and During and After"

17-Jun-2008 41kb
  "Toward a Theory of the Designwork"

19-Feb-2007 66kb
  "Cast a Thought"
TimeOut Beijing, Issue 10

Jul-2005 911words
  "On the Practice of Everyday Life"
28-Feb-2005 33kb
別處 elsewhere 31-Mar-2025 64#
in other words [about 關於⋯⋯] 2022 05#
聯繫 contact - 01#

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