index of /何穎雅 elaine w.ho


母錄 parent directory  
什麼是一種「記錄姿態的行為」? documentary gestures  
  Resident, or Resident Evil, or This Minor
    Contextualisation of a Particular Temporality Known as
    Publishing on the Run
24-Sep-2022 435kb
  谁人往,向何处? Who Goes, Where Are? 27-May-2017 448kb  
    Post-Personal (after having told the story of beginning
    to tell stories many times)
18-Mar-2016 680kb  
  arguing endlessly about something inherently agreed upon 19-Jan-2016 38.8mb  
  What can a phrase such as ‘natural course’ mean
    anymore in a time of such intense production? (Berlin)
30-Oct-2014 35.4mb  
    What can a phrase such as ‘natural course’ mean
    anymore in a time of such intense production? (Guangzhou)
17-Jan-2014 874kb  
  明日大致多雲 Precipitations 26-Jun-2013 434kb  
  What can a phrase such as ‘natural course’ mean
    anymore in a time of such intense production? (Beirut)
01-Mar-2011 37mb  
  题为"如何孤单" The Title of the Show is "How To Be Alone" 11-Nov-2010 66.2mb  
  公众 Public 01-Feb-2009 1mb  
  北京欢迎你 Beijing Welcomes You 06-Aug-2008 73.7mb  
  理变奏曲 Variations on Lǐ 01-Jul-2008 21.1mb  
  We are all getting ready, or, I beg of you please 08-Nov-2007 44.4mb  
  Best Before __ /__ / __ 29-Oct-2006 463kb  
  Wherever we go, we walk in circles everyday. 17-Jun-2006 75.2mb  
  Lesson: Kyoto, 7 February 2006 07-Feb-2006 8.5kb  
  One-thousand-and-two, south or southwesterly...
one-thousand-and-two, south or southwesterly, moving steadily east and losing its identity
collaboration with David GIBBS
2-channel digital video, 36'

In the certainty of statelessness, the construction of uncertainties. This visual document attempts to reveal the distant and ambiguous parallels between two gas stations near the port of Zeebrugge, Belgium, and the unresolved status of inhabitants of an asylum seekers' center in Middelburg, Holland. As outlined by the shipping forecasts from which the title is taken, destination is not always the best distinguishing marker of transit. At two gas stations situated on opposite sides of the highway, place becomes a nebulous identity rather than a fixed point. The directness of a pre-packaged architecture and environment is also the setting for indeterminacy. It is in fact amidst these most banally articulated structures that we find the cracks in the system through which we trace the routes of those displaced and without legal right of passage. The enormous disjunction is a paradox of time; in the case of the refugee, the culture of expediency can turn moments into years, or a supposedly temporary center into a mental condition.

screenings include: OK5 2004 Thesis Exhibition (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Arnhem, NL; 2014), Borderline Film Festival (Platform China, Beijing, CN; 2006), Border Conditions (66 East: Centre for Urban Culture, Amsterdam, NL; 2004)
Jun-2004 58.5mb

4'39" excerpt from approximately 36'00"
  Jabbeke Apr-2004 12.6kb
  For Ann, Building a House Jan-2004 28.1mb
  Correction Coefficients Jan-2004 24.9mb
12-Mar-2025 635kb
「商業的結構」是什麼? the architectures of commerce 12-Mar-2025 14#
什麼是一個「開放平台」? what is an open platform? 03-Sep-2017 15#
詞語 words Summer-2019 44#
別處 elsewhere 12-Mar-2025 69#
in other words [about 關於⋯⋯] 2022 05#
contact - 01#


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