index of /何穎雅 elaine w.ho


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什麼是一種「記錄姿態的行為」? documentary gestures 18-Mar-2016 20# fine tuning
「商業的結構」是什麼? the architectures of commerce 27-Jul-2024 14# on production
什麼是一個「開放平台」? what is an open platform?      
  radioHED 03-Sep-2017 905kb  
  Exercises on the Open Platform: Oil Street 19-Oct-2014 --kb  
  家作坊系列一号:08奥运 HomeShop Series No. 1: GAMES '08 24-Aug-2008 926kb  
  WE 卡拉OK! WE KARAOKE! 01-Sep-2013 --kb  
  会所 The Meeting Room 12-Jan-2013 1.5mb  
  Getting cold this time of year
200 watch pieces without hour and minute hands
commissioned by The Gopher Hole for About a Minute, curated by Beatrice GALILEE
London, 2010

Getting Cold This Time of Year was a reflection and provocation of conversation dynamics and the mismatched subjectivities of social interaction in the exhibition setting. Limited edition ‘second-hand clocks’ were given away for free to visitors of the show, with instructions to engage in conversations with others in the space for at least one minute. These conversations should steer away from topics related to time and, especially, from any attempts at meeting up again, talking soon in the future or staying in touch. Conversations that extended beyond one minute in length could follow their natural course.
10-Dec-2010 156kb

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  里九外七 Overseas, Close by 24-Oct-2009 58mb
  Slow Sayonara 15-Jun-2006 9mb
  Holland Papier Biennale 20-Aug-2004 892kb
  Colour Meals Spring 2004 454kb
  Furt / Orange - Modern 17-May-2004 299kb
  You can be everywhere 18-Jan-2003 188kb
  Durchgang I Jun-2002 376kb
  Two lefts, two rights 26-Jun-2002 49kb
  One Night Stand 13-Apr-2002 942kb
詞語 words Summer-2019 44#
別處 elsewhere 27-Jul-2024 69#
in other words [about 關於⋯⋯] 2022 05#
contact - 01# Server at Port 2024