Arnhem, NL, 2001-2004
including 何京蕴 Anouchka van DRIEL, Desirée HAMMEN, 何穎雅 Elaine W. HO, Jai, Lieke JETTEN, Joop, Maria KLEY, 向井 徹生 Tetsuo MUKAI, Lotte NOORDEMEER, Charlotte ROHNE, Els VAN VEEN, Hans VAN VEEN and 山口明香 Asuka YAMAGUCHI
Lucio's monocolour clothing days in New York turn to an attempt at monocolour eating across the ocean. When an urgent need for colour was felt, dinner was organised and a colour chosen. Meals were planned together and made together for the most part, with the exception of black, which was a grand potluck for Els' birthday. Absolutely no artificial food colouring allowed.
Lucio's monocolour clothing days in New York turn to an attempt at monocolour eating across the ocean. When an urgent need for colour was felt, dinner was organised and a colour chosen. Meals were planned together and made together for the most part, with the exception of black, which was a grand potluck for Els' birthday. Absolutely no artificial food colouring allowed.