index of /何穎雅 elaine w.ho


母錄 parent directory  
什麼是一種「記錄姿態的行為」? documentary gestures 18-Mar-2016 20# fine tuning
「商業的結構」是什麼? the architectures of commerce 05-Oct-2024 14# on production
什麼是一個「開放平台」? what is an open platform?      
  radioHED 03-Sep-2017 905kb  
  Exercises on the Open Platform: Oil Street 19-Oct-2014 --kb  
  家作坊系列一号:08奥运 HomeShop Series No. 1: GAMES '08 24-Aug-2008 926kb  
  WE 卡拉OK! WE KARAOKE! 01-Sep-2013 --kb  
  会所 The Meeting Room
chairs, table, A1-sized spiral note pad, easel, markers, hot water boiler and water dispenser, potted plants, metallic gold VIP membership cards
organised with 何颖宜 Rania HO
箭厂空间 Arrow Factory, Beijing



- 世界文艺青年学贯彻18大会议精神会议
- 制怒互助组
- 中国3、4线城市艺术家联谊大会
- 文化财富
- 初中学生学习讨论会
- “我与女权主义的距离”
- 微绿生活俱乐部换书阅读书友会
- 世界末日 5814(我不要死)民众联合
- 面包爱好者小组
- 北新桥文艺青年SBO商务会
- 墨西哥学习小组
- “行尸走肉”研讨会

Inaugurated to coincide with the 18th Communist Party Congress, The Meeting Room turned Arrow Factory into an intimate, flexible, multi-use space available for holding meetings, small functions or private discussions. The space was available to anyone to reserve for free on a first-come, first-serve basis, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, the only stipulation being that requests had to come from groups of a designated appellation. The resulting spectrum of both existing and concocted affiliations served as a unique monitor of contemporary social interest, identity formation and its relation to the materiality of non-place. All bookings included complementary VIP membership cards issued to group members and a free digital group portrait.

Hosted meetings included:

- Study Group for the 18th Party Congress Spirit
- Anger Management Control Group
- 3rd & 4th Tier City Artists' Union
- Goethe Institut Kulturgut
- Middle School Students' Study Group
- 'How Far is Feminism?' Group
- Micro-GreenLife Club Book Exchange
- People's Alliance for Apocalypse
- Bread Lovers' Union
Beixinqiao Neighbourhood Small Business Owners
- Mexico Study Group
The Walking Dead Study Group

The Meeting Room was available to the public from 8 November 2012 - 12 January 2013.


The Meeting Room was organized by 何颖雅 Elaine W. Ho (HomeShop) and 何颖宜 Rania Ho (Arrow Factory). They are both members of the following groups: Beijing Residents Conglomerate; Working Artists Association; Hong Kong Three-Stars ID Chinese-American Network; Organizers of Independent Art Spaces with Storefronts and the Dai Leung, Sunduk Ancestry Society. This is their first collaboration. They are not related.
12-Jan-2013 1.5mb

image /

Download the full Meeting Room group photo set (PDF).
Further documentation available on the Arrow Factory website.
  Getting cold this time of year 10-Dec-2010 156kb
  里九外七 Overseas, Close by 24-Oct-2009 58mb
  Slow Sayonara 15-Jun-2006 9mb
  Holland Papier Biennale 20-Aug-2004 892kb
  Colour Meals Spring 2004 454kb
  Furt / Orange - Modern 17-May-2004 299kb
  You can be everywhere 18-Jan-2003 188kb
  Durchgang I Jun-2002 376kb
  Two lefts, two rights 26-Jun-2002 49kb
  One Night Stand 13-Apr-2002 942kb
詞語 words Summer-2019 44#
別處 elsewhere 05-Oct-2024 69#
in other words [about 關於⋯⋯] 2022 05#
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