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什麼是一種「記錄姿態的行為」? documentary gestures 18-Mar-2016 20# fine tuning
「商業的結構」是什麼? the architectures of commerce 23-Oct-2024 14# on production
什麼是一個「開放平台」? what is an open platform?      
  radioHED 03-Sep-2017 905kb  
  Exercises on the Open Platform: Oil Street 19-Oct-2014 874kb  
  家作坊系列一号:08奥运 HomeShop Series No. 1: GAMES '08
situated activities, interventions and daily recordings
家作坊 HomeShop; Beijing, 2008

HomeShop initiated its first project series in August of 2008 during the Beijing Summer Olympics. For the Games 2008 series, the framework of Beijing and the Olympic games was used as a grid from which to allow indeterminacies to converge and reappear――a way of building common spaces from the urban environment and community practice. Located in a small hutong near the Gulou area of the city, each day of the Olympics marked a countdown to the events' end, as opposed to the nation-wide arousal of public displays of the countdown to 08.08.08. Varying scales of activities took place, from field recordings to a party in honour of the "losers", from street-side viewings of the Games to impromptu stoop-front discussions with a neighbour. A secondhand clothing collection station invited curious passersby to come in and interact with the space, and free giveaways from participating artists LIANG Yue ("Relax" posters) and Sean SMITH (a Wii video game race to win Olympic event tickets) aimed at offering, within the daily routes of local residents, a minor-scale potentiality for our ways of engaging with the community and public space.

Full documentation of the HomeShop project and its evolution can be viewed on the main website:
24-Aug-2008 926kb

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image 1: Members of the HomeShop community pause for a photo after 催凯旋 Cassidy CUI's "说 Speak" event.
image 2: Brother ZHENG exhibits his sister-in-law's handiwork of the 5 fuwa Olympic mascots.
image 3: Philana WOO chats with a neighbour during her impromptu stoop sale.
image 4: Art researcher 催凯旋 Cassidy CUI hosts a series of 15-minute talks called "说 Speak" with, among others: a Beijing transportation authority employee, an activist from Wuhan, a geographer from Switzerland and a teacher at the Central Academy of Drama.
image 5: To cool off during the heat of the Olympic Games, 娄艺萌 LOU Yimeng gives a lesson on home-brewing Chinese medicinal plum juice.
image 6: At a party to celebrate the losers, visitors view the 2008 Games and enjoy streetside lamb kebabs.
image 7: At HomeShop's party in honour of the losers, neighbours and friends battle it out to find the most average speed runner during an event called "wii would like to play // wii don't have tickets".
image 8: Artist 梁越 LIANG Yue organises the "梁药广告公司 Liang Medicine Advertising Company" to give away free "放心 Relax" posters to passersby.
image 9: The crowd gathers around the HomeShop screen to view the Closing Ceremony of the 2008 Olympic games.
  WE 卡拉OK! WE KARAOKE! 01-Sep-2013 --kb
  会所 The Meeting Room 12-Jan-2013 1.5mb
  Getting cold this time of year 10-Dec-2010 156kb
  里九外七 Overseas, Close by 24-Oct-2009 58mb
  Slow Sayonara 15-Jun-2006 9mb
  Holland Papier Biennale 20-Aug-2004 892kb
  Colour Meals Spring 2004 454kb
  Furt / Orange - Modern 17-May-2004 299kb
  You can be everywhere 18-Jan-2003 188kb
  Durchgang I Jun-2002 376kb
  Two lefts, two rights 26-Jun-2002 49kb
  One Night Stand 13-Apr-2002 942kb
詞語 words Summer-2019 44#
別處 elsewhere 23-Oct-2024 69#
in other words [about 關於⋯⋯] 2022 05#
contact - 01#

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